Ending Inequality Ideas

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Zanian Steele • 07 October

To address inequality, Aotearoa needs to set a rate of tolerance for inequity in the economy. I would suggest a...

Shanti Lal • 03 October

My idea, get rid mimum wage. We should on all living wage. That way we not dependent of government to...

Ronald Hart • 19 September

Inequality between different kinds of families should be reduced with a robust welfare state, with universal benefits for children, students,...

Jeremiah Boniface • 11 September

some idea to test

Tim Test • 10 September

I need more money. Stat!

Ben Fulton • 02 September

End wealth inequality between workers and bosses through policies that expand democratic public ownership, cooperative ownership and community wealth building....

Dyalla Smith • 27 August

End systemic institutional racism. Mandatory for all employers to support & provide training for workers that supports greater understanding of...

Mark Fletcher • 27 August

Benefits and how they are categorized, amount that is paid, black and white guidelines preventing people living full lives while...

Barb Curran • 27 August

Very supportive of looking at free early childhood education to allow people to work - as long as we ensure...

Johnny Crawford • 27 August

See picture of our notes below.

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Rebecca Cox • 27 August

Addressing gender & ethnic pay gaps, and issues that migrants face in working in New Zealand.

Rebecca Cox • 27 August

Kia ora! What about if people had greater access to services and training in mediation & facilitation in the workplace...

Tim Test • 27 August

End inequality

Andrew Fraser • 13 August

We need to work towards dismantling neoliberalism, government policy towards privatisation and corporate interest in productivity over people is harming...

Richard Falkner • Porirua • 08 July

It seems like we're barely allowed to say the word "capitalism" in public discourse at this point - much less...

jason brooke • Auckland Central • 01 July

To end inequality we need to embrace a collective ideology in policy making. Currently we are seeing an ideology of...

jason brooke • Auckland Central • 01 July

To end inequality we need to embrace a collective ideology in policy making. Currently we are seeing an ideology of...

Bill Rosenberg • Zoom 1 • 24 June

Perhaps we should be talking about ending inequity rather than inequality - see the picture from Nicole:


Bill Rosenberg • Zoom 1 • 24 June

More progressive income tax system.

Include capital gains as income, excluding the value of the average home.

Include inheritances as income, and...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

Poor transport infrastructure is a significant factor driving inequity in South Auckland - university students have to leave home 2-3...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

Voters need to understand the dynamics of government policy (e.g. tax cuts = less money for public services), wealth inequality,...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

Housing standards need to be higher - conversation around the cycle of people coming into hospital for respiratory issues, being...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

There are significant inequities in access to education; we need to examine school times (could weekend schools or schools with...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

We need alternative education models where teachers are incentivized to adapt to each students needs

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

Why do some corporations (such as AT) have their own free carpark for all staff and others cannot access adequate...

Tatiana Daniels • South Auckland • 13 June

Bring back fair pay agreements

Tatiana Daniels • North Shore • 12 June

Tax the rich, then name and shame people hoarding wealth

Evelyn Maxwell-Garner • North Shore • 12 June

We need significant tax reform, with huge taxes on wealth, capital and/or land. We need to introduce a low income...

Tatiana Daniels • North Shore • 12 June

Take back democratic control of the reserve bank; artificially driving up unemployment and inflation to make people desperate and poor...

Tatiana Daniels • North Shore • 12 June

Migrants work multiple jobs, students have to work and study to survive, new mothers are going back to work too...

Tatiana Daniels • North Shore • 12 June

We need a push for more left wing radicalism to make significant change - previous Labour party interventions have not...

Tatiana Daniels • North Shore • 12 June

Societal shift needed; public services more concerned with budgets than the people delivering services (cutting overtime, poor staffing etc.)

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Remove privately owned prisons at an absolute minimum - if someone can profit from imprisoning people, there is inherently more...

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Honour Te Tiriti through true co-governance and mana motuhake, with the hauora of the whenua and the moana as a...

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Address wealth disparity through redistribution of wealth to ensure at least a universal living wage for all - not just...

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Immigration policies to allow for more immigration, and more supports for migrants around settling in, schooling, access to work etc


Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Significant increases to benefits, and widening the access to benefits (for example bringing back the artists benefits)

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Better access to affordable and quality housing by restricting landlords and the number of residential properties people/trusts can own


Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Acknowledgement of women's hauora needs such as leave, flexible work, pay equity

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Policies like Kia Toipoto and Te Orowaru should be extended into the private sector

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Transparent pay scales and progression systems - can pay be fixed to grow with CPI?

Tatiana Daniels • Auckland Central • 11 June

Pay equity claims - what happens to claims underway (care and support workers, tertiary education)? The work has already been...