Mana taurite | Ending Inequality
Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and ending inequality will ensure that no one is left behind - Māori recognised as tangata whenua, all communities free from discrimination, people being paid fairly regardless of gender or ethnicity, and guaranteed livable incomes for all people.
Māori are still treated as second-class citizens on their own land, face systemic racism and economic disadvantage, and their rights and interests under Te Tiriti o Waitangi are being stripped away.
Aotearoa is deeply unequal, and many groups of people face enduring, systemic barriers to living well. Growing wealth inequality is helping only the very few at the top, there are pay gaps across ethnicities and gender, and disabled people are denied respect and livable incomes.
An Aotearoa for the many means implementing Te Tiriti o Waitangi across government, ending systemic racism and discrimination, eliminating wealth inequality and transforming the welfare system to ensure that everyone has enough to live well, and that unpaid work is valued and supported.