Whakahou i a Aotearoa | Rebuilding Aotearoa
Rebuilding Aotearoa New Zealand’s broken economy will transform the lives of working people. Through investing in public ownership and essential services, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and fostering economic opportunities, we can thrive.
Our economy is dysfunctional. We have failing infrastructure that has been underinvested in for decades. We have a chronic shortage of quality and affordable housing. The tax burden is on working people, rather than the wealthy. We have entrenched poverty and underfunded public services.
We need to be investing in our public services and infrastructure at a much greater scale, and focus on creating enough good, productive jobs. Instead of grappling with these problems, the current Government has returned to the playbook of the 1990s and the policies that created the problems we now face.
An Aotearoa for the many means affordable housing for all, modern infrastructure, a fair tax system, well-funded public services, and a prosperous economy that no longer only works for the few.